The development of navigation systems requires more and more accurate base data. Currently, attention is paid to utilization of geophysical fields — gravitational and magnetic
ones — for navigation purposes. The Earth’s magnetic field distribution — both onshore
and offshore — is complicated and variable in time. Hence, it is essential to precisely
know the secular variations in the area of interest. In the case of Baltic Sea, this involves
establishing (re-establishing) of a marine network of secular points (repeat stations) and
regular magnetic measurements of the three independent components of the Earth’s
magnetic field. Such measurements require equipment that ensures not only high stability,
but also information about sensors’ orientation in relation to geographic north and to the
level. This article presents a new project of the Baltic network of repeat stations and gives
a solution for the instruments usable for quasi-absolute magnetic measurements.
Magnetic Repeat Station Network on the Baltic Sea – Why So Needed?
1Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland
2Instytut of Geophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
3OPTIMUM, Warsaw, Poland

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2017-0002
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