The article presents a comparison of the results of exploration that have been made at the
Faculty of Navigation (FON) at the Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland with results
of Universities of European countries. This comparison was made by a student of Maritime University. The aim of the study is to show the maritime industry and society a difference in education, gaining sea practice, willingness and concerns faced by female students of
the Maritime Universities. This study is based on a questionnaire, which is available in
two languages — Polish and English — as well as on paper and electronic form. Survey
includes 25 questions about inspiration, motivation but also the concerns related with
physical and mental powerlessness. The answers are presented in the form of graphs and
comments. Text of the article contains valuable information not only for future employers
of young women but also for young ladies who face the choice of university.
Woman on Board — Female Perspective
1Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2017-0018
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