Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) more and more affect many areas of human
activity in the world. Every day human activity around the world depends upon satellite systems for positioning, navigation and timing. As these systems are commonly used further
efforts must be made to make GNSS more immune to on occurring more and more frequently
incidents of jamming and spoofing. It seems that eLoran system is currently the best the
technical and scientific solution to allowing for effective protection of the Global Navigation
Satellite Systems. Last year the authors presented eLoran system as a potential tool for
transmission of the national time signal [Curry et al., 2017]. This time the authors present
abilities of additional use of the eLoran as a back-up system for GNSS.
The Identification of Possible Applications of The E-Loran System
1Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
2Gdynia Maritime University, Poland

DOI: DOI: 10.1515/aon-2018-0012
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