In relation to the current development of the sailing, modernization and development of
yacht ports and marinas are necessary. The preparations process, stages of the design, analyses and finally construction of yacht ports is time-consuming and laborious. In the article a
statistical analysis of selected design parameters was described. In order to carry out the
analysis a database was created based on 210 ports from different regions of the world such
as: Europe, North America, Australia and South Asia. Google Earth was used to obtain the
actual values of the analyzed parameters. Most of achieved results was described in the form
of tables or graphs.
Statistical Analysis of Parameters of Selected Worldwide Yacht Ports and Marinas in Terms of Design Guidelines
1Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland
2Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland
3Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland

DOI: DOI: 10.1515/aon-2018-0014
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