Research on precise positioning is being actively carried out to provide accurate position information for land transportation. The most significant problem when performing precise positioning in urban canyon is the degradation of performance due to the lack of visible satellites. Prior to open service of BDS, most of the studies on positioning were focused on using GPS/GLONASS integrated navigation system. Since BDS began open service, studies using GPS/BDS have been actively performed in the Asia-Pacific region as it became possible to acquire enough available BDS satellites. The average number of visible satellites in Korea is 9 for GPS and 14 for BDS. In this paper, we analyze the availability of precise positioning using BDS in urban canyon. To do this, we simulate the urban canyon environment by applying the mask to the azimuth and the elevation. We analyze the positioning accuracy using two simulation scenarios. From the results, it is shown that the accuracy of precise positioning in the case where the satellites in the east-west direction are blocked is lowered than that in the case where the satellites in the south-north direction are blocked for the same elevation mask angle. This result comes from the fact that the PDOP increases when the satellites are blocked in the east-west direction. Also, it can be confirmed that the GPS/BDS integrated positioning is available for the high mask angle while the GPS-only positioning is not possible continuously.
1Department of Electronics Engineering Chungnam National University
2Department of Electronics Engineering Chungnam National University
3Satellite Navigation Team Korea Aerospace Research Institute
4Department of Electronics Engineering Chungnam National University
5Navcours Co., Ltd.
6Department of Electronics Engineering Chungnam National University

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2019-0007
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