The paper presents the methodology for determining the components which are related to
heel of bulk carrier with one component excluded — the heel of vessel due to waves. The
described method was applied to the system, which is dedicated to use in determination
of UKC of vessels at the approach to the Port of Swinoujscie. The method includes determination of heel caused by: draught reading errors, wind, current, tugboats and heel related
to vessel maneuvers. To determine heel related to vessel maneuver 2-stage method was carried out. The first stage simulation was used to identify the parameters of ship movement. At the second stage, the maximum heel of Bulk Carrier were calculated by using
analytical methods. Presented method was implemented to the item rating under keel
clearance at the approach to the Port of Swinoujscie
Method for Reserve Determination of Static and Dynamic List of Bulk Carriers Applied to the Dynamic Under Keel Clearance System in the Port of Świnoujście
1Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland
2Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland
3Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2017-0007
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