Global Navigation Satellite Systems give opportunities for atmospheric parameters analysis in
behalf of solving many atmosphere monitoring tasks. The authors of this article demonstrated
possibility of slant tropospheric delays determination with using precise point positioning
method – PPP. The atmospheric parameters, retrieved from GNSS observations, including
zenith tropospheric delays, horizontal gradients, and slant tropospheric delays, are analyzed and evaluated. It was obtained slant tropospheric delays, along the satellite path, for each satellite, at a certain elevation angle and azimuth, at each time, instead of obtaining a single zenith tropospheric delay composed of all visible satellites at one time. The results obtained proved that suggested method was correct.
Estimation of Slant Tropospheric Delays from GNSS Observations with Using Precise Point Positioning Method
1 Polish Air Force University, Dęblin, Poland
2Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

DOI: DOI: 10.1515/aon-2018-0017
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