The paper presents the use of the Fast-Time navigational simulator to verify the location of
designed elements of navigational infrastructure in vicinity of a high traffic fairway. The aim
of the study is to perform the analysis of navigational safety in vicinity of newly constructed
quay placed to the east of the island Ostrow Brdowski. The Quay is intended handling of large
steel structures. The Fast-Time simulation is performed to evaluate the safety of the navigation
passage through the fairway along the quay for the future use of vessels which length may
exceed 260 m. This kind of simulation method has been implemented to make a statistical
analysis based on a large amount of data, the collection of which would be very expensive and
time consuming using a Real-Time simulator.
Determination of the Risk of Location the Quay for Large Steel Components Handling in Vicinity of the Fairway Using the Fast-Time Simulation Method
1Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland
2Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland

DOI: DOI: 10.1515/aon-2018-0007
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