The article presents navigation system project operating on the principle scene matching area
correlation (SMAC), using a digital camera, an MEMS e-compass sensor and an ultrasonic
ranging module. Systems of this type are used as a component of advanced integrated
navigation systems in view of its autonomy and capability of localizing aircrafts with high
accuracy and precision. Steering and display of information are implemented using a computer application designed in Matlab programming environment. The object’s location is
fixed, using discrete cross-correlation function through matching of the registered terrain
image to digital orthophotomap.
The article describes operations directly related to digital image processing, its implementation methods, a structural system design with explanations of each of the functional
elements and presents devices used to build a complete integrated measurement unit model.
It was used for the effectiveness measurement of determining the location of an object
depending on the changes of angle and height of the flight as well as the luminance and
noise level in a registered image. The measurements methodology was described which also
includes an analysis of the results, an effectiveness evaluation and potential development
directions of the designed system.
Application of Discrete Cross-correlation Function for Observational-comparative Navigation System
1Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
231st Tactical Air Base, Poznan, Poland

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2017-0
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