A research focused on development of numerical model of a sea area destined for a motion
simulator of an Autonomous Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle (ABPP) is presented in the
paper. There are purpose, construction and functionality of the ABPP motion simulator
generally characterized in the introduction. The first part contains description of a method
of creating the sea area model based on the data included in the Electronic Navigational
Chart (ENC). A method of displaying the sea area model in the ABPP motion simulator,
with a use of the Open GL graphic library, is described in the second part. Finally, there
are conclusions drawn from the executed research given at the end.
ABPP Motion Simulator Based on 3D ENC
1Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland
2Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland

DOI: 10.1515/aon-2017-0010
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