Annual of Navigation as the journal of the Polish Navigation Forum publishes only original manuscripts. The primary version of the journal is the electronic one.
Selected papers from scientific meetings of the Forum or invited by Programme Council papers are published also. Papers in Annual of Navigation are published only in English.
Submission of a manuscript is a representation that the paper has not been previously published in open literature and is not currently submitted for publication.
All papers are reviewed by thematic editor and two reviewers (double-blind review proces) in printed form.
In 2014 papers have been reviewed by:
Banachowicz A. (Poland), Bossy J. (Poland), Engler E. (Germany), Felski A. (Poland), Grzegorzewski M. (Poland), Gucma L. (Poland), Hoelper C. (Germany), Januszewski J. (Poland), Narkiewicz J. (Poland), Oszczak S. (Poland), Sik Jeong J. (Korea), Śmierzchalski R. (Poland), Stateczny A. (Poland), Tęgowski J. (Poland), Uriasz J. (Poland), Weintrit A. (Poland), Walczak A. (Poland), Wiśniewski Z. (Poland)
The authors are kindly requested to observe the following rules when preparing the manuscripts intended to be published in Annual of Navigation:
1. If from technical reasons it is not possible to send paper from through the website please use this email
Piotr Zwolan, Editor
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
81-103 Gdynia
69 Smidowicza str.
2. Use editor Word for Windows 7.0;
3. Use font New Roman for the whole text, font size 11 points;
4. For the title use the font size of 12 points bold;
5. For the subtitles use the font size of 11 points bold;
6. The title and subtitles should be written in capital letters and centred;
7. The title should be followed by first name(s) and family name(s) of the author(s) and his(their) affiliation (all centred);
8. The figures should be numbered below the figures and caps left. For example:
Fig. 3. Text of explanation
9. The size of figures should be less then 13x19cm including legend;
10. The legend of figures and tables should be written font size 10 points;
11. Tables should be numbered over it and caps left: For example:
Table 3. Title of the table
12. Formulas should be written with using of the Microsoft Equation 3.0;
13. Bibliography should be ordered alphabetically as follows:
Family name of author, first letter of first name, title of publication, name of the publication for journals or conferences and number, name of publisher, the year and place. For example:
1) Kowalski A., Malinowski Z. World Marine Economy. The Naval Institute Proceedings no 3, Naval Institute Press, Washington 1995.
2) Popov K. Atmosfernoe davlenie i rasprostranenie radiovoln. Radio i sviaz, St. Petrsburg, 1992.
14. Quotation in the text by giving the name and year of publication in square brackets, e.g. [Kowalski, 1995];
15. Format of the sheet: 18,2 cm width and 25.7 cm high.
16. Margins: top – 3 cm, bottom – 2.5 cm, left and right – 2 cm.
Annual of Navigation reviewing procedure
Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers from outside the institutions of the authors’ affiliation; a double-blind review process is practiced, i.e. the reviewers do not know the identities of the authors.
Affiliation of the reviewers must be in the other institution than authors’ institution and if it is possible one of them from another country than the nationality of the authors of the manuscript.
The review must be provided in the written form by means of the filled checklist followed by reviewer’s comments with a clear statement on acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.
The names of the reviewers are listed every year at the web-page of the journal as well as in the paper version of the journal.